You know her from the carpool line... She always has it together.. The alpha mom.. A glimpse into the life of an upscale suburbia mommy... so Coco Savvy.
What in the world is "Coco"?
Coco is a series of web sites for the Coco Mother - competitive mothers who want only the best for their families.. The best schools, clothes, lifestyle and activities for their family. The SUV, the skinny jeans, the big sunglasses, you know the Coco Mother - that one woman who always has it together that you love to hate.
Now you can be part of this world by regularly visiting CocoSavvy, CocoSparkle, CocoScene, CocoDivine and CoachCoco.
Created and written by a real Coco Mother in a high profile suburb where the rules are hard and the lifestyle is wonderfully unforgiving.
"That's so Coco!"
"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother".
Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States of America.